Laboratoire Floralpina

02 41 96 14 61
6 rue Joseph Cugnot - 49430 Durtal

Menopause food supplement

complement alimentaire Menopause 120 gélules - Floralpina

Made in France

Menopause food supplement est un complément qui associe 6 plantes à de la levure de sélénium et à du picolinate de chrome.

Liste résumée des bénéfices santé :

Rigoureusement formulé, Ménopause est un complément alimentaire pour femmes, ce complexe hormono-dépendant c’est-à-dire qu’il est composé de phyto-œstrogène. Les phyto-œstrogènes tels que les isoflavones de soja sont des composés chimiques actifs naturels provenant des plantes qui agissent dans l’organisme un peu à la manière des hormones naturelles féminines, les œstrogènes. Le soja est la source la plus importante de phyto-œstrogènes. Il est associé à du fenouil, de l’escholtzia, du thé vert et à de la sauge.

Sage contributes to comfort during menopause and helps reduce night sweats, one of the main symptoms of menopause.

One of the other symptoms during menopause is loss of bone density due to increased calcium loss.

Zinc plays an important role in many vital processes, including the functioning of the immune, nervous and reproductive systems. But above all, zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal bones to help counteract the loss of calcification in women. Zinc is complexed with chromium, a trace element essential to human health like selenium.

Selenium plays the role of an antioxidant because it allows the body to produce glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme acting with vitamin E to protect cell membranes from oxidation caused by free radicals.

Using advice

You can take up to 6 capsules per day with a large glass of water during meals.
1 box of 120 capsules = 20 days of treatment

Precautions for use

Keep out of reach of young children.
Do not exceed the recommended dose.
To be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not take outside meals.
Not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with a family or personal history of breast cancer.
Long term use not recommended.
Contains caffeine.
Store away from heat and humidity.

Information for resellers

10 units / references

We ask our resellers for a minimum of 10 units per reference

Free delivery in France

For all orders of capsules we offer shipping costs from €500 excluding VAT

How to receive our catalog?

To receive our catalog with our Floralpina brand, please fill out the request form. Our sales team is committed to responding to you within 24 hours. Our catalog is intended only for professionals.
